Who We Are
The United States Tai Chi Community, USTCC.ORG, is a professional association of tai chi instructors, tai chi practitioners, and health and wellness professionals, who are dedicated to improving the quality of people’s lives through tai chi. We are not a tai chi school. Rather, we come from many varied schools and backgrounds. Our goals are to promote tai chi health exercise and to support tai chi instructors with class listings, educational materials, networking opportunities, research information, scholarship opportunities, and workshop discounts for advanced training.

We bring tai chi instructors together in order to:
Promote safe, diverse, and ethical tai chi programs;
Support instructors with an online resource to promote their events, workshops, and classes;
Provide the general public with information about tai chi as well as identify USTCC.ORG instructors and their classes;
Expand knowledge of tai chi by providing scholarships to attend workshops;
Share medical information on the beneficial aspects of tai chi;
Support research related to evidence-based tai chi programs and effective teaching methods;
Publicize group discount opportunities.

The United States Tai Chi Community, Inc. (USTCC.ORG) is a not-for-profit Connecticut corporation founded in August 2002, with the mission to inform and educate people about the health benefits of tai chi and tai chi for health programs.
Our association is a tax-exempt, qualified charitable organization under the requirements of Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). USTCC.ORG is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.