Become a Member
Membership in USTCC.ORG will take you further along your personal tai chi journey.
Our publications, web resources, and events have much to offer anyone with an active interest in tai chi, whether you like to stay close to home, wander the globe, or a bit of both.
Join Our Community
Joining gives you immediate access to a network of friendly, passionate tai chi players from all around the world.
You’ll find folks who can help you answer questions about forms or direct you to other resources that will help. You’ll discover cool new ways to share your tai chi experiences and perspectives.

Our Memberships
Supporting Membership
$20 / per year
- Access to the USTCC.ORG Logo
- An opportunity to submit articles and research findings to our newsletter.
- Bibliographies of Tai Chi Research Studies
- Free Professional Development Opportunities (Monthly Tai Chi Play Sessions not included)
- Newsletters
- Opportunities to share ideas and connect with other Tai Chi Players via Facebook
- Scholarship opportunities for Dr. Paul Lam’s Annual United States Week-long Workshop
- Tai Chi Productions discounts on workshops and products
- View Organizational documents
- Volunteer opportunities to support our USTCC.ORG community
Instructor Membership
$45 / per year
- Access to the USTCC.ORG Logo
- An opportunity to submit articles and research findings to our newsletter.
- Bibliographies of Tai Chi Research Studies
- Free Professional Development Opportunities (All events)
- Newsletters
- Opportunities to share ideas and connect with other Tai Chi Players via Facebook
- Scholarship opportunities for Dr. Paul Lam’s Annual United States Week-long Workshop
- Tai Chi Productions discounts on workshops and products
- View Organizational documents
- Volunteer opportunities to support our USTCC.ORG community
- An opportunity to publish information about instructors, classes and events
- Downloadable Teaching tools
- Inclusion in a searchable directory for classes, instructors and events.
- List of Liability Insurance Providers
- Resource materials for starting and growing tai chi classes