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Our Memberships

Supporting Membership

$ 20 /year
  • Access to the USTCC.ORG Logo
  • An opportunity to submit articles and research findings to our newsletter.
  • Bibliographies of Tai Chi Research Studies
  • Free Professional Development Opportunities (Monthly Tai Chi Play Sessions not included)
  • Newsletters
  • Opportunities to share ideas and connect with other Tai Chi Players via Facebook
  • Scholarship opportunities for Dr. Paul Lam’s Annual United States Week-long Workshop
  • Tai Chi Productions discounts on workshops and products
  • View Organizational documents
  • Volunteer opportunities to support our USTCC.ORG community

Instructor Membership

$ 45 /year
  • Access to the USTCC.ORG Logo
  • An opportunity to submit articles and research findings to our newsletter.
  • Bibliographies of Tai Chi Research Studies
  • Free Professional Development Opportunities (All events)
  • Newsletters
  • Opportunities to share ideas and connect with other Tai Chi Players via Facebook
  • Scholarship opportunities for Dr. Paul Lam’s Annual United States Week-long Workshop
  • Tai Chi Productions discounts on workshops and products
  • View Organizational documents
  • Volunteer opportunities to support our USTCC.ORG community
  • An opportunity to publish information about instructors, classes and events
  • Downloadable Teaching tools
  • Inclusion in a searchable directory for classes, instructors and events.
  • List of Liability Insurance Providers
  • Resource materials for starting and growing tai chi classes
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